How Reiki Can Help You
“Reiki has been one of the most important steps in my healing journey. Meditating regularly, practicing mindfulness, regular exercise, therapy and generally taking better care of myself were great. But I can honestly say that reiki is what helped me get over my insomnia. I have a stressful job that causes me to think a lot at night. With reiki I’m able to put myself to rest and if I wake in the middle of the night I can quickly go back to sleep. Another big difference has been that my stomach issues have subsided and hot flashes have stopped completely. It’s only been a few weeks since I took reiki one and I’m looking forward to how else my body and mind respond to reiki healing. Esther Cho sharing reiki with me was one of the greatest gifts to myself.”
/ agnes l., brookyn, NY, octoBER 2023 /
“Charley, my 17 year old Standard Poodle has been the benefactor of Esther’s largess over the past couple of months. With her emotional intelligence and deft hand, she has guided both Charles and myself to a place of equanimity—Accepting what’s so, in this most sacred space that we refer to as the end of life, with an acute understanding that this is far from the end. Charley is actually doing better than expected, and I attribute this to the healing power of Reiki and its facilitator, Esther.
Our team of experts acknowledge that his mobility has improved since working with Esther, and that he is doing amazingly well overall. We can’t thank her enough for her contribution to us and deeply appreciate her efforts on our part. We would without reservation, recommend her as a compliment to any other modality that’s being employed in a therapeutic context.”
“Reiki with Esther was a life changing experience. This was the first time in my life where I felt I could take my healing into my own hands, literally.
After the first attunement, I felt light, free and so happy! I wanted to share the gift of healing immediately. The entire process was very in-depth, and I felt incredibly taken care of during the training! With the reminders to maintain self care practices, along with Esther’s clear yet effective instructions, I feel like this is one of the highest quality levels of reiki trainings you could receive. She’s a powerful healer and wise, intuitive guide. Not only can I now do energy healing, but I also connected to my truest self, and I’m now able to send this energy to others whenever I can. Thank you Esther”
/ Stephanie L., Hawaii, AUGUST 2022 /
“I never foresaw myself as someone who would choose to get reiki for my dog— I’m pretty woowoo, but this felt like a step too far even for me. But so many friends kept raving about Esther’s work with rescue animals, and my shy boi was getting really stuck, despite all of our training and other support. I’m SO GLAD I decided to work with Esther! He’s still his weird little quirky shy self, but you can feel the difference in the liberation from the things that were holding him back— he greets all his human and canine friends now, he’s calmer at home alone, and so much more. Even better, Esther’s work on him really benefitted me, and now I get reiki work with her myself, and am learning to practice through her excellent classes. It feels like acupuncture for the soul. Highly recommended!”
/ Deanna, Brooklyn, NY, july 2022 /
“It’s hard to find the words to describe the amazing gift Esther is to this world. She managed to change our entire lives in the blink of an eye. Through some amazing synchronicities, my partner and I booked an appointment with Esther for our dog Shona.
Esther helped us understand so much about energy, life, death and our connection to the universe. My life is fuller everyday because of her teachings. After a few appointments for Shona we decided to enroll in our level 1 reiki course. This way we’d be able to help our dogs everyday. I can’t explain what we went through in such a short testimony, I will literally have to write a book! Shona transitioned out of her fur suit, peacefully, the day we graduated Level 1. She had finally accomplished her mission in that fur suit. That day was something I never thought I’d survive but Esther gave us a new understanding of “death”. Little did we know, our relationship with Shona was about to grow even deeper after she crossed over. Death wasn’t the end, it was only the beginning. We are forever grateful for this unbelievable human. Our hearts have never felt so full.
If you’re on the fence about booking an appointment or reiki courses with Esther, I tell you this now, BOOK IT! You won’t regret it. Esther is a force of light and love She’ll show you the way back home.”
/ Alika & Heather, Canada, july 2022 /
“I was immediately drawn to Esther because it’s not everyday where you come across a free spirited Korean woman with such radiant energy. Being Korean myself I knew I wanted to learn from her to stay as close to the traditional roots of reiki and also because she offered animal reiki as part of her reiki I training. I’m a huge animal lover. When I got to the training, it was such a warm and comfortable environment with lots of yummy snacks and drinks as she informed us we would get hungry/thirsty from our attunement. The 8 hours flew by as Esther thoroughly nourished us about the history and power of reiki. I felt so empowered and safe.
At the end we received reiki from Esther which was incredibly powerful and relaxing and practiced reiki on one another as well. I went on to take reiki II which was just as pleasant, powerful, and memorable as my first training.”
/ kristen d., nj, july 2022 /
“It’s difficult to put into words Esther’s help in my life, but what I can say is that it has been immeasurable and transformational. I came into the Level 1 course with little spiritual background or practice, but open to it. I was in deep, constant pain throughout my body and scared, so I was open to anything at the time -literally anything. Weeks later, I would be diagnosed with Stage IV cancer with more and more lesions appearing in different areas of my body. Feeling uncertain if I would exist in the physical realm much longer, Esther’s calm, soothing gentleness, her clear way of explaining concepts, and her powerful energy immediately shifted a mind dominated by fear and helplessness to one of self-empowerment and change. Her guidance in direct sessions enabled me to focus onto a new path with new thought patterns. As I learned more and more about my own new abilities, my body turned the corner and began to heal itself. Esther explains that physical healing is only one benefit of reiki. I now refer to that Level 1 session as the commencement of ‘Chapter 2’ in my life, and I will always be eternally grateful for Esther to have shown me the way.”
/ Jason M., NY, july 2022 /
“Let life lead you. I knew Esther’s energy before I met her in person. When I met her I was an emotional wreck. After my first session, I fasted for days, not knowing that it was the energy regenerating my whole body. Then I went for Level 1. My mind rewired to the point that I just knew my purpose with no doubt. Esther’s words, her energy is very healing. I went thru all 3 levels with her guidance. Now I’m becoming a Licensed Massage Therapist to include in my own healing services. Amazing! Namaste.”
/ Xiomara, Bronx, NY, july 2022 /
“I am blessed to have connected with Esther, at just the right time. The impact of her reiki classes on my life has been immense. In just a few short months, she’s helped me deepen my self-awareness, self-acceptance, and spiritual confidence. I now use reiki healing on myself (as well as on my 13 year old daughter, when she asks for it). We are both in awe and humbled by the power of reiki! I am so grateful for this new resource available to us and also for Esther’s kind & loving heart! She is a talented teacher and gifted reiki practitioner.”
/ Jennifer G., Florida, july 2022 /
“I have used Esther Cho’s Reiki services for several years for both my dogs and cats. Dare I say that Esther is a pet whisperer! Most recently, Esther worked with my 10-year-old cat and recently introduced puppy who were having significant issues adjusting to each other. Her approach is calm, loving and thorough. After a few sessions with them, I am thrilled to report that their relationship is so very much better and the daily chaos in my house has completely subsided. Reiki for animals might sound weird and had I not experienced it myself I too would be skeptical, but her technique with animals really does work.”
/ stephanie , brooklyn, NY march 2022 /
“Esther Cho is a kind, compassionate, spirit lead teacher. She gave me one to one mentorship through level I Reiki. I felt the strength of her practice and knowledge were most evident through her teaching. I would recommend studying Reiki with Esther to anyone seeking to learn Reiki, wanting to further develop their skills and/or those who flourish in a nourishing and specialized teaching space dedicated to your individual learning versus a larger scale group. I knew Esther was my teacher when I experienced Reiki from her and felt my head and neck tingling during session. Something told me that I have much to learn from/with her wise energetic healing.”
/ susana , brooklyn, NY february 2021 /
“I must say that I am privileged to know Esther Cho and to have had the exquisite experience of her Reiki healing powers. I used to be a dancer and now at 73, I have arthritis in my joints and sometimes just walking is a chore. And as an artist, I need to concentrate on my work and not be constantly in pain. I’ve experienced a few healing sessions with Esther Cho and each time I felt renewed. There are very few healers, both medical doctors and other modalities that truly work in a deep way. Esther Cho is one of the few. She makes me want to dance.”
/ sharon a , brooklyn, NY january 2021 /
“Esther Cho is a truly gifted healer. After working with our dog and healing his malingering leg injury, which had stumped two veterinarians and a pet orthopedist for over a year, I decided to pursue some reiki sessions for a back injury that I have been rehabbing for 5 years. I believe that Esther is responsible for my turning a major corner in my treatment, as after 4 sessions with her I began to notice significant relief in my day to day pain. But what’s more, she helped me to radically shift my mentality towards my injury and my body, which gave me the confidence to stop thinking of myself as an injured person and start allowing my body to perform it’s own, natural healing functions. Today, my back is strong and I am living more-or-less pain free. I truly believe that Esther’s work was the missing component of my course of treatment, and would absolutely recommend her reiki therapy to anyone struggling with long lasting pain.”
/ blake d , brooklyn, NY december 2019 /
“My one-year-old dog, Finn, whom I rescued when he was 4 months old, found going for a walk on the streets of NYC the most horrifying experience he could imagine. For almost five months, four times a day, he was asked to go to Riverside Park, 1/2 block away from our apartment. On the way, he was expected to endure loud noises from trucks, buses, doors opening and closing, delivery trolleys, jack hammers, and the dreaded sirens on emergency vehicles. Life on the streets for Finn and me was a tremendous challenge until we met Esther Cho. After five Reiki therapy sessions with Esther, Finn was able to find his inner confidence and he conquered his fears of the streets and his fear of the one dog in the park who terrorized him every time they happened to cross paths. After Reiki, Finn was able to stand tall and hold his ground instead of cowering in fear when he encountered this intimidating dog. He now plays and runs in the park without hesitation. His new found self-assurance has averted any further confrontations with the scary dog. .
The best decision I made was to engage with Esther and with the mystical powers of Reiki. She showed Finn and me the way to a positive and trusting relationship with the world and with each other. Life in NYC for me and Finn is once again in balance and we owe Esther a tremendous thank you. She is a master at her craft and I recommend her whole-heartedly. ”
/ kathy tarbell , new york, NY december 2019 /
“I went to Esther as I was recovering from breaking my arm several places in a figure skating accident. I wanted to get back to skating and needed to get my brain as well as my body back together for that. I had never tried reiki before, but I also had never broken my arm before, so hey, why not? I went for 5 sessions each of which resulted in less pain and increased movement in the arm (the injury was near the shoulder, so range of motion is the major long-term concern with this type of injury). For lack of a better way to put it, I also had several somewhat "uncanny" experiences during sessions, with stuff popping up in my head that I really didn't expect. Esther is incredibly kind, spent considerable time with me that felt above and beyond, and really helped me feel ready to resume skating. If she's the right fit for you, you'll know!
A+ experience.”
“I marvel at the shift toward greater calm, trust, and joy I feel since meeting and working with Esther. Our connection came about through a remarkable story involving one of my two dogs, Louis. Before I "met" Esther remotely -- I live in San Francisco -- she had been contacted by the person I adopted Louis from to help us locate my lost pup. When Louis ran away after only one day in my home, Esther was already at work, behind the scenes, connecting with my other dog, with me, and with lost Louis using reiki to guide each of us. I didn't know this at the time. Once we were introduced, Esther guided me to trust, and her intuition and wisdom guided me to expand my way of thinking around fear and panic. Louis returned to us the next day, after being in the U.S. only 24 hours from South Korea. I want to be brief here, but I also want to relay every encounter with Esther since then because each session continues to create a deep sense of alignment and joy for me, and for my pups! Esther is a gifted, dedicated healer, and I feel immense gratitude for this connection with her. ️️”
"The way I found my way to Esther and Reiki was rather unconventional. My dog Rio, a at the time 3 yrs old Jack Russell Terrier had to have brain surgery and developed Meningitis as a complication. It was hell. Five months after his surgery, he was still suffering and far from recovery. A friend told me that she heard Reiki helped wonders. I didn't know much about Reiki back then. I had heard about it but no idea what exactly it was or how it worked. Desperate to try everything that could help I asked around and somebody recommended Esther. After her first session with Rio he started getting noticeably better, seemed to be in less pain and getting back to his funny and bratty self. I literally could watch his reactions to when Esther treated him. A dog doesn't know any of this. He could not just made it up. Or pretended anything. But I could see how he reacted to it and what it did to him. I got curious. I was going through a rough time myself, emotionally and physically, suffering from exposure to mold that left me with a weak immune system, tiredness, low energy levels, headaches.
So I asked Esther if she could also treat me.
I remember the first session I could feel some "movements" for a lack of a better word in my body. I fell asleep and I was knocked out. The third time my body reacted very different. It was hard to lay still. My whole body was tingling, I felt the blood rushing through it and had the urge to stretch out all the time. Something was shifting and releasing.
After Esther left I fell in a deep sleep for 10 hours and woke up feeling so much better than in a long time.
I continued the treatment and almost every session was different. The way I felt it, the intensity, sometimes I fell asleep, sometimes I didn't. The effect it had was different too. Overall it helped me getting back to being myself again and I am very glad that I found Reiki and that it is a part of my life now."
/ Tina, New York, NY September 2016 /
"Dear Esther is a wonderful teacher; she is attentive to the needs of her students and open to their learning process. She is very thorough yet she makes sure to make the Reiki practice easily applicable to the lives of her students. She has a comforting and supportive way about her. I recommend her if you are interested in getting certified in Reiki or if you would like to add Reiki to your healing/supportive practice. Esther is also very giving of her healing work to the community of animals and those that love and protect animals."
/ Zhenia, Brooklyn, NY February 2018 /
Francesca before and after reiki at PS9 Pet Shop