Reiki Healing Sessions
Home, Studio, & Distance
Esther provides Reiki sessions In your home, in studios (Manhattan/ Brooklyn) as well as in a Distance.
reiki healing sessions for humans
HOME VISIT : $222 PER SESSION (60 minutes reiki & talk-available only in nyc area).
remote : $144 initial session , $111 following sessions.
Sliding scale is available for bipoc as well as for those with sincere needs. contact esther for additional information.
Reiki healing art for humans is successfully being utilized in medical settings such as hospitals, cancer clinics, hospice programs and AIDS clinics all over the country thanks to its effectiveness in restoring energy balance within, which promotes fast recovery from illness and surgery and reduces pain as well as maintains general well-being.
It has no negative side effects and is safe for everyone including children.
a Reiki healing session is done with a client fully clothed lying on a massage table or sitting on a chair.
the Reiki practitioner will lightly lay her hands on the client's body and deliver universal healing energy where healing is needed.
The practitioner serves as a conduit for universal healing energy during the Reiki session; she does not use her own energy therefore there is no risk of receiving any negative energy from the practitioner.
If the client prefers not to have physical contact, the practitioner can conduct the session with her hands slightly above the client's body or a short distance away. It can also be conducted from a distance without the client being physically present in the same room.
the Benefits of Reiki healing art include:
accelerating healing and strengthening the immune system.
alleviating pain and reducing stress and anxiety.
promoting the release of limiting emotions, behavior patterns and addictions.
enhancing other health care interventions and therapeutic processes.
contributing to harmony and balance in one's life.
Reiki Healing Sessions for Animals
HOME VISIT : $155 per session (available only in nyc area).
REMOTE : $111 initial session (60 minutes reiki & talk), $88 following sessions.
Animals are more open to energy than humans and generally like to receive Reiki Healing due to the non-invasive, gentle and stress-free nature of Reiki healing art.
In the healing space which the Reiki practitioner holds during Reiki session, animals feel more relaxed, peaceful and safe.
As a result they restore energy balance within that promotes physical, emotional, mental improvement and healing.
Animal Reiki healing can be done from a short distance without touching the animal with the same degree of effectiveness as hands on Reiki healing, making it specially beneficial for nervous animals.
Benefits of Animal Reiki healing :
reduce pain and stress.
promote and maintain general well-being.
promote fast recovery from illness, injuries and surgery.
help reduce aggression and improve behavior problems.
help abused animals heal from past physical, mental trauma.
help dying animal with peaceful and smooth transition.
complement conventional therapies as well as alternative therapies
payment is due prior to the session or class (via zelle, venmo, paypal or cash on the day of the appointment).
Cancellation Policy:
If the appointment is cancelled within less than 24 hours of the date of the session, the cancellation fee which is half of the full treatment fee will apply to the following session.
Deposit policy:
In-studio sessions require 50% of the full treatment fee in advance.
Reiki Classes
Level one, two, three, four, & reiki share